The EUC wants to inform that for all those who have not got direct debit payments, that the voluntary payment period ends on 15st February 2023, in accordance with the agreements of the General Assembly.
Failure to pay within the established periods results in additional costs in the management that should not be borne by those that faithfully comply with the payment obligation in the agreed period. For this reason, at the last General Assembly held on 18th August 2022, it was unanimously agreed to toughen the application of surcharges for unpaid fees:
- 5%: for fees paid after the voluntary period (15st February 2023 or following the first non-payment of a quarterly direct debit instalment) and up to the receipt of the demand letter, burofax or notification on the notice board.
- 10%: for fees paid within the period granted by the demand letter, the burofax or notification on the notice board.
- 20%: for fees paid after the period granted by the demand letter, the burofax or notification via the board.
If you have still not made the payment for the quota, or if you are interested in direct debiting your payment, please contact us as urgently as possible, on the telephone number 956795040 or via email to: