The Urbanistic Collaborative Entities of Conservation are born under the Urbanistic Management Regulations of 1978 and in accordance with the provisions of the Urbanistic Management Law of Andalusia (LOUA) whose regulation was similar to the current Law of impulse for the sustainability of the Territory of Andalusia..
The San Roque Town Hall approves in November 2003 the Statutes of the E.U.C. “Parques de Sotogrande” which replace the initial Statutes of the Community of Owners of “Parques de Sotogrande” of 1965.
In April 2004 a Resolution was received from the Provincial Delegation of Cadiz of the Department of Public Works and Transport authorizing the registration of the .E.U.C. “Parques de Sotogrande” in the Register of Collaborating Urbanistic Entities of the province of Cadiz.
The E.U.C. “Parques de Sotogrande”, since April 13, 2004, date of its registration in the Register of Collaborating Urbanistic Entities of the province of Cadiz, is an Entity of public law, of compulsory inclusion and its own personality and legal capacity for the fulfillment of its purposes, in accordance with its Statutes.
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Entity and holds an ordinary meeting once a year. The Entity is governed and administered by the Management Board, whose representatives are elected every four years.
The offices of the Entity are located in the Mar y Sol Shopping Center, Offices 2.23 to 2.32, and at the head of them is a human team that look after the rights and interests of the owners of the urbanization.

- Representative of the Illustrious San Roque Town Hall: Illustrious Mayor of San Roque
- President: Mr. Cristóbal Espín Gutiérrez
- Vocal: Mr. Gerard O´Malley
- Vocal: Mr. Felipe Oriol Díaz de Bustamante
- Vocal: Mr. Antonio Sancho Lora
- Vocal: Ms. Jeanette Weston
- Secretary & Manager: Mr. Sergio Sánchez Domínguez